Posts about David’s Batch Processor written by silentarchimedes. GIMP is free and runs on Mac/Windows/Linux, and there is a batch editor plug-in, but it seems to be for Linux and Windows only. DBP - David's Batch Processor - I guess you could install Linux as a virtual machine, and run it in there.
How To Install David S Batch Processor Macbook Air
If you’re in the market for a new laptop, there’s a good chance you’re already considering the new MacBook Pro. It looks fantastic with that curious Touch Bar right above the keyboard, and the machine’s specs are finally (almost) up-to-date. The new MacBook Pro is also even more expensive than its predecessor. But lucky for your bank account, the sales have already started.
I Just Stroked the New MacBook Pro's Touch Bar
The first thing I did, when presented with the new Macbook Pro, was reach for that dimly lit…

David S Batch Processor For Mac

You can now order an entry level 13-inch MacBook Pro (without the Touch Bar) from Amazon at a significantly discounted price. There’s a silver one for $1,139 and a space grey one for $1,299. That amounts to a $200 to $360 discount, depending on which model you want. A price cut like this is basically an unprecedented move for a brand new Apple product, so this is probably the cheapest price you’ll see on the new MacBook Pro for quite some time. The only downside with ordering these two models is that they don’t ship immediately. (Amazon doesn’t have any in stock.) But still, the deal might be worth the wait.
The Best Stuff From Apple's MacBook Pro Event
Today’s Apple event was, uh, shockingly similar to Microsoft’s live event yesterday. Both opened…
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Amazon is also selling a more high-end 13-inch MacBook Pro (with Touch Bar and Touch ID) at a reduced price of $1,799. That’s about $200 cheaper than you’ll find in the Apple Store. This keeps costs under $2,000 for one of the nicest laptops on the market.
There are other bargains you can find at authorized retailers, but none of them are shaving as much off the price as Amazon. Shops like B&H and MacMall are also cutting costs on the new computers. For example, MacMall is taking up to $35 off of any new MacBook Pros sold, and B&H will only charge tax in a few states.
Apple's New MacBook Pro: Everything You Need to Know
After approximately 27 years, Apple is finally giving us a new MacBook Pro.
Read more ReadBuying the new MacBook Pro isn’t the only expense. You’ll probably want to insure it, and luckily, there are deals in that arena, too. You can save $50 on AppleCare through Amazon or B&H when you’re purchasing the 15-inch MacBook Pro. You’ll also want to consider buying a new USB-C to lightning cable, so you can charge your iPhone 7 from your MacBook Pro. Legit Apple cables are about $15 cheaper on Amazon than they are in the Apple Store.

All of these deals and sales are extremely unusual for Apple products, especially for a product that was only announced one day ago. We’re not sure how long these deals are going to last, so if you’re really serious about buying a MacBook Pro, you should act fast. Or you could just buy 12 Chromebooks instead.