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Cattle Expert Software Inc Group

Cattle Expert Software Incorporated
The Future Beef founders wanted this and more. Like some of the producer-processor alliances, they wanted to own and control the ranch where an animal was born, the growyard where it grew up, the feedyard that fattened it, and the packinghouse that slaughtered it -- every aspect of beef production, as a Future Beef marketing slogan claimed, 'From DNA to dinner.' Future Beef also wanted to make use of the entire cow, from its tongue to its tail, in 'value-added' products that included pet treats, tanned hides, and variety meats (hearts, brains, and livers, sold mostly in Europe and Asia). And it wanted to outfit its plants with facilities for preparing cooked meats like pastrami, corned beef, and kabobs. Boxed beef -- precut quarters of the animal that are sliced further into steaks by grocers -- would be the company's staple. But the value-added products would make it profitable. And food safety, the founders said, was a consumer right. Darrell Wilkes, who became the company's vice president for supply, says he and the other founders intentionally overbuilt the food-safety side of things.